How To Start Journey From Currently Where You Are In Life To Financial Abundance
Silver membership is a self-paced training program and community access designed to help you find your Current State in life, Create your Life-plan for 5 to 30 Years and Start your Journey towards Your Dream lifestyle within 3 days.

Instant Access To The Latest Version Of
Learn How To Build A Dream Lifestyle Without compromising on your Aspirations in life.
What Does It Helps Them Achieve?
3 Day online self pace training program
Learn Basics of Prosperity Lifestyle
Create your Mindset for achieving Dream lifestyle
Learn 3 secrets of achieving prosperity Lifestyle
Learn 6 steps Formula of achieving prosperity Lifestyle
Practice tools and Templates for Growth Hack.
Prepare yourself for the Prosperity Lifestyle
Prepare your own plan for Achieving Freedom Lifestyle.
Plan Lifestyle you have dreamt of.
Create the future in each area of life.
Start living the Prosperity lifestyle from the day.
Courses: 5 Courses video training with step-by-step instructions (no details missed)
Community: Private social network access for you to collaborate with other members
Certification: Course completion and task achievement certificates
Challenge: Access to a 90-Day implementation challenge with other members
Coaching: 2 x 2-hour weekly Q&A calls on Zoom where you can get answers.
Support: Get 24/7 support via the community or chat with our highly skilled coaches.
Accountability: Get an accountability partner who will hold you to your word daily.
Templates: Lifeplan design, Time Plan Path selection, Financial templates
Tools: Get all the tools required to build, test, maintain, and optimize business systems.
Everything You Will Ever Need To Successfully Build your Dream Lifestyle
- What is Prosperity Blueprint
- What is Prosperity Model.
- what kind of Mindset required.
- How the Model works.
- what can be expected from the Model.
- Membership Hall of Fame on Achieving Action Plan
- Membership to Leadership Council for creating Dream Community
Prosperity Lifestyle Model
The Ultimate System Designed To Digitally create lifestyle of your dream and aspirations.

- What is Prosperity Blueprint
- What is Prosperity Model.
- what kind of Mindset required.
- How the Model works.
- what can be expected from the Model.
- Membership Hall of Fame on Achieving Action Plan
- Membership to Leadership Council for creating Dream Community
INR 19,999/- + GST
Your Price Today
₹4999 +GST
Bonus #1
Self-Evaluation Score Card

- Living life Powerfully Living life you love
- Template for evaluating your current Lifestyle
- follow step by step approach
- Access what you want in life
- Access where you are in life
- Access what you expect from life.
- Access what are your dreams
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today
Bonus #2
Family Budget Blueprint

- Living life Powerfully Living life you love
- Template for evaluating your current Family Budget
- Follow step by step approach
- Access what are your current liabilities
- Access what are your spending per month /Year.
- Access where your life is heading.
- Access what you expect from life.
- Access what are your dreams for Family.
- Access what kind of life you intended to live.
- Create Master Blueprint for your dream budget.
- Create Time plan for Achieving the Life goals.
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today
Bonus #3
Personal Clarity Session

- 30 Minutes 121 session with me.
- We can find out answers where you are stuck in life.
- what are your challenges in life.
- Evaluate the Family Budget Report.
- Evaluate where you are and what can be achieved.
- what are your income sources.
- Evaluate your 5/10/20 Year life plan.
- what can be your future Growth hacks
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today
Bonus #4
Life Plan Blueprint

- Templates to create your life plan
- We can find out answers where you are stuck in life.
- what are your challenges in life.
- Evaluate where you are and what can be achieved.
- Create a plan which will work.
- Using POMODORO technique to complete the plan.
- Create Life plan for 5/10/15/20/25/30 Years for each area of life you love to live with
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today
Lifetime Access To Community
Prosperity Inner Circle Vault

Get Invited To Weekly Calls Every Thursday 7:30pm to 9:30pm IST
- Weekly Community Mastermind class of 90 Minutes
- FAQ Every Week to Answer to Queries.
- Interview Successful Students from community.
- Sharing New concepts.
- Sharing new Activities.
- Weekly Archives Of The Latest & Best Ideas To Grow Your Business
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today

Get Invited To Meetups To Grow On The Fast Track
Meetups for Group Activities.
New Concepts to be shared by community Leaders
INR 4,999/- + GST
Your Price Today

Here's What You're Getting:
Flagship 3-Day course to help you launch your own freedom business within 90 days. Starting learning immediately.
₹ 44994
Get instant access to the bonuses after completing purchase. Valid for a limited time only.
Get exclusive invites to local meet-ups in your city + online masterclasses only for paid members.
Get invited to our monthly Hackathons and win the Prosperity Achivers Award if you complete all steps!
Get instant access to our own private social network to connect with other members of our community. Get support from experts.
Get exclusive access to our weekly inner circle mastermind on ZOOM, where you can ask questions LIVE and get on the fast track.